They Have Overcome… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
Last week when a so-called “representative” in Philadelphia committed several federal felony hate crimes, including an attempt at bribing someone to dox three teenage girls, all because people were exercising their God given rights to pray on a sidewalk for the unborn outside of a Planned Parenthood abortion facility.
Brian Sims, the so-called “representative” went to the abortion facility and filmed himself, identified himself and then began harassing and threatening citizens of his community – his neighbors and tax payers that make it possible for him to have an income. I guess he forgot that part.
Remember this person is paid by tax payers, like Ashley Garecht, to “represent” their community. How is this legal? Where is the Republican party of Pennsylvania? Where are the adults that are suppose to be in charge?
Here is the mother of the three teenagers when she appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight within a few days of the incident.
The day after Ashley Garecht appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show there was a massive rally of prayer in the location where the rogue State “representative” harassed his fellow citizens – in front of the Planned Parenthood.
Matt Walsh speaks at the Pro-Life Rally in Philadelphia, protesting the actions Democratic State Rep. Brian Simms who harassed Pro-Life advocates who were praying peacefully earlier in the week.
It seems that people are growing weary of being harassed by a very, very small group of bullies. What the extreme liberal left doesn’t seem to understand is their thoughts and beliefs are very limited to small geographical areas – primarily, the northern east coast from Washington DC to New York and along the west coast in the major cities like Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Seattle and Portland, Or. Once you step outside these concentrations of extreme liberal strong holds you find more normal, centrist people.
So, while we find people, like Brian Sims, making a ruckus along the coast line, the actual people look at these types of actions and move closer to the center or even begin leaning right. The actions of Brian Sims are awesome. His actions two things – strength the handful of extreme liberal beliefs, making it easier to identify them, and it strengthens the centrist and right leaning peoples beliefs that someone like Brian Sims is actually dangerous and should be removed from office. So, we should actually write him a letter and let him know how much we appreciate him strengthening the center and right. We have overcome…again.